The ‘Anglian Collection’ of royal genealogies

The four main versions of this collection are presented in the table below. They include the three manuscript versions printed by David Dumville and the spellings of the Historia Brittonum, but not the Textus Roffensis, a twelfth-century compilation that is virtually identical to the Tiberius B v version. According to Dumville, the archetype of the collection probably dates from 765×774. It may have been Northumbrian in origin, hence the primacy of Northumbrian pedigrees.

The earliest witness to it that survives is in the Historia Brittonum version, where it can be dated 787×796 (when Ecgfriþ was king in Mercia, having been crowned some nine years before his father’s death, but before the accession of Cœnwulf, whose genealogy does not appear in the Historia). It perhaps belongs to the turbulent year 796, when Æþelræd I died and his successor Osbald was expelled after 27 days by Eardwulf. The *Oslaf recorded by the Historia may have been an unsuccessful contender for the throne at this time.

The version contained in Cotton MS Vespasian B vi dates to 805×814, as shown by both the early ninth-century hand and the names of the latest bishops recorded in the lists it contains (not shown here). The Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS 183 version preserves a revision of 934×937, possibly made in Glastonbury. Cotton MS Tiberius B v then contains further revisions down to 990, made at Christ Church, Canterbury.

The forms given by the Historia Brittonum are Welsh Latin of the tenth century, with a number of errors. I have attempted to restore these names to forms that may have been in the original text used by the compiler.

Vespasian B vi

CCCC 183

Tiberius B v

Historia Brittonum

Haec sunt genealogiae per partes Brittaniae regum regnantium per diuersa loca

Hæc sunt genęalogie per partes Brittannię regum regnantium per diuersa loca

haec sunt genealogie per partes brittannie regum regnantium per diuersa loca


Norðan hymbra




Eduine Aelling

Eadwine Ælling

Eadwine Ællinc

aedgum (*eaduine)

Aelle Yffing

Ælle Yffing

Ælle Yffinc

ulli (*ælli)

Yffi Uufcfreaing

Yffe Uuscfreaing

Yffe Uuscfreaing

iffi (*yffi)

Uuscfrea Uilgilsing

Uuscfrea Uuilgising

Uuscfrea Uuilgilsing

usfrean (*uscfrea)

Uilgils Uestorualcning

Uuilgils Uuestorwaling

Uuilgilsing Uueosterwalding

giulglis (*uuilgils)

Uestorualcna Soemling

Uuestorualcna Soemling

Uestorualcna Seomling

sguerthing (*suærþa)

Soemel Saefugling

Soemel Sæfuguling

Seomel Sæfulfing

soemil (*sœmil)

Saefugul Saebalding

Sæfugel Sæbalding

Sæfugul Sæbalding

zegulf (*zefugul)

Saebald Siggeoting

Sæbald Siggeoting

Sæbald Siggeoting

sebald (*sębald)

Siggeot Suaebdaeging

Siggeot Suebdæging

Siggeot Suæbdæging


Suebdaeg Siggaring

Suebdæg Siggaring

Swæbdæg Siggaring


Siggar Uegdaeging

Siggar Uuægdæging

Siggar Uuægdæging

siggar (*siggeat)

<brond> (<*brand>)

Uegdaeg Uodning

Uuegdæg Uuodening

Uuægdæg Uuoddenning

<beldeyg> (<*bęldęg>)

Uoden Frealafing

Uuoden Frealafing

Uoden Frealafing

uuoden (*uuoden)


Item norðanhymbrorum

Item norþa hymbrorum


Ecgfrið Osuing

Ecgfrið Osweoing

Ecgfrið Osweoing

echfird (*ecgfrið)

Osuio Eðilfriðing

Oswio Æðelfriðing

Oswio Æþelfriðing

osguid (*osuio)

Eðilfrið Eðilricing

Æþelfrið Æþelricing

Æðelfrið Æþelricing

aelfret (æðelfrið)

Eðilric Iding

Æðelric Iding

Æþelric Iding

aedldric (*æðelric)

Ida Eopping

Ida Eopping

Oda Eopping

ida (*ida)

Eoppa Oesing

Eoppa Oesing

Eoppa Eosing

eobba (*eoppa)

Oesa Eðilberhting

Oesa Æþelberhting

Eosa Æþelberhting

ossa (*oesa)

Eðilberht Angengeoting

Æðelberht Angengeoting

Æþelberht Angelgeoting

aedibrith (*æðilberht)

Angengeot Alusing

Angengiot Alusing

Angelgeot Alusing

inguec (*angenuit)

Alusa Ingibranding

Alusa Ingebranding

Alusa Ingebranding

aluson (*alusa)

Ingibrand Wegbranding

Ingebrand Wægbranding

Ingebrand Wægbranding


Wegbrand Bernicing

Wægbrand Beornicing

Wægbrand Beornicing

gechbrond (*uęgbrand)

Beornic Beldaeging

Beornic Bældæging

Beornic Bældæging

beornec (*beornic)

Beldaeg Wodning

Bældæg Wodning

Bældæg Wodning

beldeg (*bęldęg)

Uoden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

uuoden (*uuoden)


Item norðan

Item norþan hymb


Ceoluulf Cuðuining

Ceolwulf Cuþwining

Ceolwulf Cuðwinning


Cuðuine Liodwalding

Cuþwine Leodwalding

Cuðwine Leodwalding


Lioduald Ecgualding

Leodwald <Eadhelming>

Leodwald Ecgwalding

liodguald (*lioduald)

Ecguald Edelming

Ecgwald <Ocgting>

Ecgwald Eadelming

ecgulf (*ecguald)

Edhelm Ocgting

Eadhelm <Iding>

Eadelm Ocgting

eadric (*eadhelm)

Ocg Iding

Ocg <Eating>

Ocg Iding


ida (*ida)


Eadberht Eating

Eadberht <Leodwalding>

Eadberht Eating

eadbyrth (*eadberht)

Eata Liodwalding


Eata Leodwalding

aetan (*eata)

Lioduald Ecgualding


liodguald (*lioduald)


Item norðanhym

Item norðan hymb

item norðan hymbrorum


Alhred Eanuining

Alhred Eanwining

Alhred Eanwining


Eanuine Byrnhoming

Eanwine Byrnhoming

Eanwine Byrnhoming


Byrnhom Bofing

Byrnhom Bofing

Byrnhom Bofing


Bofa Blaecmoning

Bofa Blæcmoning

Bofa Blæchomning


Blaecmon Edricing

Blæcmon Eadricing

Blæcmon Eadricing


Edric Iding

Eadric Iding

Eadric Iding


oslaph (*oslaf)


echun (*ecghun)


adlsing (*æðelsige)


alhun (*ealhhun)


oslach (*oslac)


ecgfird (*ecgfrið)


osguid (*osuio)





Aeðilred Peding

Æðelred Pending

Æþelred Pending


Penda Pypbing

Penda Pybbing

Penda Pybbing

penda (*penda)

Pypba Crioding

Pybba Creoding

Pybba Creoding

pubba (*pybba)

Crioda Cynewalding

Creoda Cynewalding

Creoda Cynewalding


Cynewald Cnebbing

Cynewald Cnebbing

Cynewald Cnebbing


Cnebba Icling

Cnebba Icling

Cnebba Icling


Icil Eamering

Icel Eomæring

Icel Eomering


Eamer Angengeoting

Eomær Angengeoting

Eomer Angelgeoting

eamer (*eamer)

[An]gengeot Offing

Angengiot Offing

Angelgeot Offing

ongen (*angen[geot])

Offa Uærmunding

Offa Wærmunding

Offa Wærmunding

offa (*offa)

Uermund Uihtlaeging

Wærmund Wihtlæging

Wærmund Wihtlæging

guerdmund (*uermund)

Uihtlaeg Weoðulgeoting

Wihtlæg Wioþolgeoting

Wihtlæg Weoðogeoting

guithleg (*uihtlęg)


gueagon (*ueaga)

Weoðulgeot Wodning

Weoþolgiot Wodning

Weoðogeot Woding

guedolgeat (*ueoðolgeot)

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

uuoden (*uuoden)


Item mercna

Item Merciorum


Aðelbald Alwing

Æðelbald Alwing

Aþelbald Alewing


Alwih Eowing

Alhwih Eowing

Alewig Eoping


Eowa Pybbing

Eowa Pybbing

Eopa Pybbing


Item mercna

Item Merc


Ecgfrið Offing

Ecgfriþ Offing

Ecgfrið Offing

ecgfrid (*ecgfrið)

Offa Ðincfriðing

Offa Þinferþing

Offa Þingferðing

offa (*offa)

Ðincfrið Eanuulfing

Þingferþ Eanwulfing

Þingferð Eanwulfing

duminfert (*ðincferþ)

Eanuulf Osmoding

Eanwulf Ósmoding

Eanwulf Osmoding

eandulf (*eanuulf)

Osmod Eowing

Ósmod Eowing

Osmod Eowing

ossulf (*osuulf)

Eowa Pybbing

Eowa Pybbing

Eowa Pybbing

eua filius pubba (*eoua pybbing)


Item mercna

Item Merciorum


Coenuulf Cuðberhting

Coenwulf Cuþbrihting

Cenwulf Cuðbrihting


Cuðberht Bassing

Cuðbriht Bassing

Cuðbriht Bassing


Bassa Cynreowing

Bassa Ceonreowing

Bassa Ceonrowing


Cynreou Centwining

Cynreow Centwining

Cynreow Centwining


Centwine Cundwaling

Centwine Cuþwalhing

Centwine Cuðwaling


Cundwalh Coenwaling

Cuþwalh Cenwaling

Cuðwalh Cenwaling


Coenwalh Pybbing

Cenwalh Pybbing

Cenwalh Pybbing



Lindis fearna



Aldfrið Eatting

Aldfriþ Eating

Aldfrið Eating


Eatta Eanferðing

Eata Eanferþing

Eata Eanferðing


Eanferð Biscoping

Eanferþ Bisceoping

Eanferð Bisceoping


Biscop Beding

Beoscep Beding

Bisceop Beding


Beda Bubbing

Beda Bubbing

Beda Bubbing


Bubba Caedbaeding

Bubba Cædbæding

Bubba Cædbæding


Baedbaed Cueldgilsing

Cædbęd Cwedgilsing

Cædbæd Cwædgilsing


Cueldgils Cretting

Cwedgils Cretting

Cwædgils Crettging


Cretta Uinting

Cretta Winting

Cretta Winding


Uinta Wodning

Winta Wodning

Winta Wodning


Uuoden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

uuoden (*uuoden)

Frealaf Frioðulfing

Frealaf Frioþowulsing

Frealaf Freoðowulfing

frealaf (*frealaf)

Frioðulf Finning

Freoþowulf Finning

Freoðowulf Finning

fredulf (*freoðulf)

Finn Goduulfing

Finn Godwulfing

Finn Godwulfing

finn (*finn)

Godulf Geoting

Godwulf Geating

Godwulf Eating

foleguald filii geta (*folcuuald geating)





Aeðelberht Uihtreding

Æþilbriht Wihtreding

Æðelberht Wihtreding


Uihtred Ecgberting

Wihtred Ecgberhting

Wihtred Ecgberhting


Ecgberht Erconberhting

Ecgberht Erconberhting

Ecgberht Ærconberht

ecgberth (*ecgberht)

Erconberht Eadbalding

Erconberht Eadbalding

Ærconbyrht Eadbalding

ercunbert (*erconberht)

Eadbald Eðilberhting

Eadbald Æþelberthing

Eadbald Æðelberhting

ealdbald (*eadbald)

Ęðilberht Iurmenricing

Æþelberht Eormenricing

Æðelberht Eormricing

ealdbert (æðilberht)

Iu:menric Oes[ing]

Eormenric Oesing

Eormric Oesing

eormoric (*eormenric)

Oese Ocging

Oese Ocging

Ese Ocging

ossa (*ossa)

Ocga Hengesting

Ocga Hengesting

Ocga Hengesting

octha (*ocþa)

Hengest Uitting

Hengest Witting

Hengest Witang>n

hengist (*hengist)

Uitta Uihtgilsing

Witta Wihtgisling

Witta Wihgilsing

guictgils (*uictgils)

Uihtgiuls Uegdaeging

Wihtgisl Wægdæging

Wihtgils Wægdæging

guicta (*uitta)

Uegdaeg Uodning

Wægdæg Wodning

Wægdæg Woding

guecta (*uecta)

Uoden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

uuoden filii frealaf (*uuoden frealafing)


Eost engla

Easter engla



Aelfwald Alduulfing

Ælfwald Aldwulfing

Alfwald Aldwulfing

elric (*ealric)

Alduulf Eðilricing

Aldwulf Æþelricing

Ældwulf Æðelricing

aldul (*alduulf)

Eðilric Ening

Æþelric Ening

Æþelric Ening

adric (*æðilric)

Eni Tyttling

Eni Tyttling

Eni Tytling

ecni (*eni)

Tyttla Wuffing

Tyttla Wuffing

Tytla Wuffing

tydil (*tytil)

Wuffa Wehing

Wuffa Wehhing

Wuffa Wehhing

guffan (*uuffa)

Wehha Wilhelming

Wehh Wilhelming

Wehh Wilhelming

guecha (*uehha)

Wilhelm Hryping

Wilfhelm Hrypping

Wilhelm Hrypping

guillem (*uilhelm)

Hryp Hroðmunding

Hryp Hroðmunding

Hryp Hroðmunding

rippan (*hryppa)

Hroðmund Trygling

Hroðmund Trygling

Hroðmund Trigling

rodmunt (*hroðmund)

Trygil Tyttmaning

Trygil Tytmaning

Trygil Tymaning

trigil (*trygil)

Tyttman Casering

Tytman Casering

Tytman Casericg

titinon (*tytmon)

Caser Uodning

Caser Wodning

Caser Wodning

casser (*caser)

Uoden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing

uuoden (*uuoden)


Occidentalium Saxonum


Ine Cenreding

Yne Cenreding


Cenred Ceolwalding

Cenred Ceolwalding


Ceolwald Cuþwulfing

Ceolwald Cuðulfing


Cuþwulf Cuþwining

Cuðwulf Cuðwining


Cuþwine Celing

Cuðwine Celing


Celin Cynricing

Celin Cynricing


Cynric Creoding

Cynric Creoding


Creoda Cerdicing

Creoda Cerdicing


Cerdic Alucing

Cerdic Alucing


Aluca Giwising

Aluca Giwising


Giwis Branding

Giwis Branding


Brand Bældæging

Brand Bældæging


Bældæg Wodning

Bældæg Wodning


Woden Frealafing

Woden Frealafing